Adobe Photoshop 7.01 Update Adobe公司于近日推出了Photoshop 7 的升级补丁,将Photoshop版本升级为7.0.1。
您可以在Adobe的网站上下载到升级补丁。 Windows
Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1修正了不少在Photoshop7.0版本发布后的错误,主要的更新内容如下:
- Photoshop now saves alpha transparency data in Targa files in the same
way it did in previous versions.
- File Browser performance has been enhanced.
- If the color settings color management policy is set to "Off,"
Photoshop no longer asks to save changes unless other edits have been performed.
- The total ink now defaults to 300% as it did in previous versions of Photoshop.
- The color of white areas in CMYK files saved as JPEG no longer shifts.
- TIFF files with LZW compression are now written correctly.
- Photoshop offers better compatibility with older model G4 and Pentium III
- When installed on a hard drive whose name contains extended characters,
Photoshop no longer reports that certain required files were not found in
the Adobe Photoshop required folder.
- Metadata is better preserved in certain JPEG files.
- Picture Package no longer locks up when it encounters incorrect file types
while using custom page layouts.
- Photoshop now defaults to the last saved directory when saving new files.
It no longer defaults to the TWAIN directory if one is present.
- Changing monitor configurations no longer causes problems while Photoshop
or ImageReady are running.
- Photoshop no longer produces a program error when resampling certain large
16-bit documents.
- An issue that prevented Photoshop 6 from opening certain files containing
layer effects and edited in Photoshop 7 has been fixed.
- The Maximize Backwards Compatibility for checkbox in the Photoshop Format
Options dialog when you save a file as Photoshop (PSD) format.
返回类别: Photoshop教程 上一教程: Photoshop 特效速查手册 下一教程: 一定要用好调整层(二)??用调整层解决实际问题
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