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演示地址:http://www.kaitian.cc/bbs/music/index.html function view() {
timegesu = 1; totalgeci = new Array(); total = new Array(); text_st = String(_parent.story); array_t = text_st.split("n"); //拆分为数组。 for (i=0; i<array_t.length; i++) { //kk = "[01:50.93][00:18.55]测试测试测试测试测试"; if (!isNaN(Number(array_t[i].charAt(1))) and (array_t[i].charAt(0) == "[")) { array_txx = array_t[i].split("]"); for (y=0; y<array_txx.length; y++) { if (array_txx[y].charAt(0) == "[") { array_txx[y] = array_txx[y].substr(1); } } /*array_txx记录了除[]之外的值,剩下了时间形式.说明一点,即使是[01:50.93]形式经split之后也会分成二个元素。*/ for (y=0; y<array_txx.length-1; y++) { timeallff = 0; zanshi_arry = array_txx[y].split(":"); for (j=0; j<zanshi_arry.length; j++) { siwuzi = Number(zanshi_arry[j]); if (j == 0) { timeallff += siwuzi*60; } else if (j == 1) { timeallff += siwuzi; } else { //出错处理! } } array_txx[y] = timeallff; } for (y=0; y<array_txx.length-1; y++) { total[timegesu] = array_txx[y]; totalgeci[timegesu] = array_txx[array_txx.length-1]; timegesu++; } } } //将歌词与时间放入数组:total与totalgeci中; for (y=1; y<total.length; y++) { for (j=y+1; j<total.length; j++) { if (total[j]<total[y]) { cons = total[j]; total[j] = total[y]; total[y] = cons; cons = totalgeci[j]; totalgeci[j] = totalgeci[y]; totalgeci[y] = cons; } } } //排序!歌词与时间同时都排序! ix=0; _root.geci_bar.show_text = "<br><br><br><br><br>"; y = 1; total[0] = 0; totalgeci[0] = ""; for (m=1; m<totalgeci.length; m++) { if (totalgeci[m]) { _root.geci_bar.show_text += totalgeci[m]; } } _root.geci_bar.show_text += "<br><br><br><br><br><br>"; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.lssssss == _root.gequming) { if (_root.zs>=total[y] and _root.zs<total[y+1]) { gc_view = totalgeci[y]; jiangeshi = total[y+1]-total[y]; dangeshijian = jiangeshi/(totalgeci[y].length); if ((_root.zs>total[y]+dangeshijian*ix) && _root.viewmodem) { gc_viewl = mbsubstring(gc.text, 0, ix++); _root.geci_bar.loadtext = gc_viewl; } if (!_root.viewmodem) { _root.geci_bar.loadtext = gc_view; } if (y>1) { _root.geci_bar.yi_kuan.scroll = y; } if (y<=1) { _root.geci_bar.yi_kuan.scroll = 1; } } else if (_root.zs<total[y]) { y--; if (y<0) { y = 0; } ix = 0; } else if (_root.zs>=total[y+1]) { y++; ix = 0; } else { // 除错! gc_view = ""; } } else { gc_viewl = ""; gc_view = "暂无歌词! Sorry!!!"; _root.geci_bar.show_text="暂无歌词! nn假如你有新的音乐或LRC歌词,请提供地址,谢谢!nn邮箱:yi0731@163.com"; } }; } 返回类别: Flash教程 上一教程: Flash 菜单简要说明 下一教程: Flash Action控制的鼠标弹性指针效果 您可以阅读与"Flash播放器显示LRC歌词代码"相关的教程: · flash中显示LRC歌词原理 · Flash制作简朴MP3播放器 · Flash8.0专业版及播放器新特性 · Flash8播放器模型:弹性跑道 · Flash打造精美特色音乐播放器 |
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